FES Downloads
Click on file name to download.

File Date and Revision Size Description
feescale.zip 1st Apr 2022 v5.77 596 KB Fee Scales for NHS Treatment (SDR)
FesSupport.exe 09th Feb 2017 v4.23 44.46 MB

Main Application. Includes PDS, and N. Ireland

FesClient.exe 1st Aug 2012 v4.17 260KB Supporting tools
FesCustom.exe 1st Dec 2021 v4.45 7.0MB FES Customers ONLY
FesDemo.exe 29th Mar 2010 v4.5 57MB Fes Dental Demo
JustRemoteITClient.exe 14th September 2011 v1.20 286 KB Allow FES  Remote Access into their Customers system
Security Web Site   Antivirus and Firewall
doc.exe 09th Aug 2009 18KB Document Template
FESFirewall 04th August 2009 6.27MB FES Customers ONLY
PDF Converter 09th October 2009 8.6 MB PDF Print Driver
Mult Tiff Viewer 22nd Aug 2012 1,784KB Multi-Tiff Viewer
Rich Text Plugin 16th Nov 2012 188KB Rich Text Plugin
FesCustom2.exe 1st Decv 2021 v5.76 4.8MB FES Costomers Ver 5 ONLY
FesSupport2.exe 09th Feb 2017 v5.60 44.46 MB Main Application. Includes PDS, and N. Ireland
FesRemote.exe 27th September 2016 3.4MB Allow FES Remote Access into their Customers system